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Lester B. Pearson School Board

Parent Information

School Hours

Children should not arrive at the school before 7:45 a.m. as there are no teachers on duty before that time.

Children who walk to school or arrive by car should be dropped off at their appropriate entry door and remain in their designated area on the playground until the entry bell rings. When departing school, children who walk or are being picked up by parents are to leave by the appropriate door. They are not permitted to leave by the front door.

Communication with the School

The Maple Grove telephone number is 514 798 8747.

Ms. Rosanne Pagani, our administrative assistant, will usually be the voice that you will hear answering the telephone in the office.

The Daycare/Lunch Program number is 514 634 0269.

Ms. Peggy Scott is responsible for our Daycare and Lunch Program. Please contact Ms. Scott for information about the Daycare/Lunch Program.

Ms. D. Shizgal is the Principal. He can be reached by calling the main office.

Parents and other visitors to the school must enter by the front door and must report to the office upon arrival.  You are asked to wait for your child in the office and not to interrupt classes in progress.



Please be respectful to your child’s classmates and teachers by ensuring that your child arrives at school on time. Children who arrive late are required to report to the office. After 3 late arrivals, students will have to serve a detention.

 Early Departure

If it is necessary for you to take your child out of school during school hours, please send a note to your child’s teacher indicating the time that your child will be picked up. Please sign your child out at the office before leaving the school.

Emergency School Closure

Please pay close attention to the following information regarding storm warnings and the closing of schools. Notice of a shutdown in the Lester B. Pearson School Board’s schools or cancelation of bussing because of snow storms will be communicated to you via the school board’s Contact Ed Messaging system.  It is important that you maintain up to date contact information with the school in order for the message to reach you.  Closures are also broadcast by major radio stations beginning at 6:30 in the morning. If a shutdown announcement is not heard by 7:00 a.m., parents may assume that the school will remain open. Announcements will only be made to indicate closings.

If schools are open but weather conditions force an early closing, the shutdown will be timed around the lunch hour. Information to this effect will be broadcast beginning around 10:00 a.m.  

Power failures, etc. may force the closure of the school during the school day.  Parents are urged to plan for emergencies by arranging for a neighbour to receive their child if they are at work. Your child must understand these plans. In the case that the school must be evacuated, the children will be taken to the Lakeside Academy Auditorium or to the Pearson Electro-technology Centre.

It is the responsibility of each family to pre-arrange with their child the procedure that should be followed if dismissed early.  It is important that your child understand where to go if there is no one at home.


Inquiries and Appointments

Parents and other visitors to the school must enter by the front door and report to the office upon arrival. In order to ensure the safety of the children and to respect the educational process, parents are requested not to disturb classes during teaching time. Please make appointments by sending a note to the teacher or phoning the school office. If you would like to meet with the Principal, please call the office for an appointment. If you need to leave a message for your child, please call the school before 1:30 p.m.


Government regulations require parents to provide the school with a written note verifying a student’s absence. This note is in addition to phoning the school to notify of the absence.


Lost & Found

Any unclaimed items will be emptied from the lost & found twice a year in the months of December and June.

Kiddie Mail

Mail will normally be sent home with students on Wednesday or Friday. Please make sure to check your child’s backpack for important information and news about upcoming events at Maple Grove. Information is also available on our website.

Homework Policy

Homework is an essential part of our School Program. It is used to reinforce work done during class time, as well as practise new skills acquired. Parents and teachers must work together to help children develop good study habits and a responsible attitude towards homework.

Your child should have a quiet place in which to work and a regular timetable which allows adequate time to complete all homework assignments.

Teachers assign work to be done at home, both as a matter of learning and as training for later years. If questions or difficulties arise, the teacher is the first person to contact.

Lost & Found

Any unclaimed items will be emptied from the lost & found twice a year in the months of December and June.

Kiddie Mail

Mail will normally be sent home with students on Wednesday or Friday. Please make sure to check your child’s backpack for important information and news about upcoming events at Maple Grove. Information is also available on our website.

Homework Policy

Homework is an essential part of our School Program. It is used to reinforce work done during class time, as well as practise new skills acquired. Parents and teachers must work together to help children develop good study habits and a responsible attitude towards homework.

Your child should have a quiet place in which to work and a regular timetable which allows adequate time to complete all homework assignments.

Teachers assign work to be done at home, both as a matter of learning and as training for later years. If questions or difficulties arise, the teacher is the first person to contact.

Electronic Devices

I-Pods, MP3players, Walkmans, CD players, cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted at school. These valuable items should be left at home. Please remember that the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


Personal toys from home are not to be brought to school except by specific request/permission of the teacher. Outside equipment (skipping ropes, balls) may be brought.

Collectable cards are not permitted at school. 

Confiscated items will be held for safekeeping and parent pickup if found.



Students taking the bus must obey the rules for conduct and safety.  Bus transportation to and from school is a service provided by the school board (Transportation Dept: 514-422-3001).  The bus driver is in charge of the bus and must have the co-operation of all students in the course of the daily run.  Students with repeated infractions of bus safety and conduct rules are a danger to all students travelling on the school bus. 

Consequences of bus infractions may include:

  • Meeting with the principal
  • Reprimand by the principal with a copy of the bus report sent to parents 
  • Subsequent offences may result in suspension from the bus.  A student misbehaving on a school bus may lose the privilege of using this means of transportation.
  • Additional consequences may include restitution for damage caused, detention and/or suspension from school

Please go over the following bus safety rules with your child.

  1. Always be at the bus stop 5 minutes early.
  2. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop, and then board the school bus in single file, in an orderly fashion, using the handrail.
  3. Find your seat quickly without pushing other students.  Keep the aisle clear. 
  4. Remain seated, talk quietly.  Do not eat, drink or leave trash on the bus.
  5. Do not vandalize the bus in any way i.e. writing on seats or walls or cutting seats.
  6. Always listen to the driver’s instructions.  Do not distract the driver by yelling, arguing, fighting or throwing things.
  7. Never put your head or arms out the window.
  8. Know where the emergency exits are but DO NOT tamper with them.
  9. When getting off, wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before leaving your seat.  Descend in a single file.
  10. Walk a safe distance from the bus so the driver can see you and know that you are out of danger.
  11. If you need to cross in front of the bus, keep a safe distance and watch for the driver’s signal.  Do not runProceed with caution.
  12. Skateboards, rollerblades, or any other sports equipment are not allowed on the bus. As well, all musical instruments must be kept in their cases.
  13. Failure to follow the above rules will result in disciplinary action and/or suspension of bus privileges.  The safety of all the children on the bus is each student’s responsibility.  Suspension from the school bus is not subject to any negotiation or discussion.
  14. Children must ALWAYS ride on the bus to which they are regularly assigned.  They are not permitted to take any other bus without a parental written request to administration.  Any arrangements must be made in writing 24 hrs in advance if they want to go home with a friend or a relative.

Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters and Rollerblades

Bicycles are to be walked onto school property. Bikes are to be locked with a good lock. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles. It is highly encouraged that children wear a well-fitted bike helmet to school.

Skateboards and rollerblades are not permitted on the school grounds without prior permission of administration.  Scooters and heelies (shoes with wheels in the sole) are not permitted.

Dress Code

The dress code is navy blue, grey and white. Clothing choices can be pants or tunics. Shorts are permitted in warm weather. Shirts and sweaters can be navy blue, grey or white. Bottoms must be navy blue. We ask for shorts and t-shirts for Phys. Ed. Students are not permitted to wear hoods or hats while in school.